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About Us

      Talent is the first enterprise capital, talent is the largest enterprise resource, and talent is the core competitiveness of enterprises.
      Whether an enterprise can be successful or not depends on the talent they chose.
      According to PCBONLINE.CO, the socalled talent is first good person, good job after, that is, to be a person with good virtue first, then learn how to do things well. If someone just knows how to do thing well but don’t know how to be a good person, he/she is not a talent.In PCBONLINE.CO concepts, the standards to be a good person are: to be filial to your parents, to show respect for the old teachers, sages, colleagues, to help others, to be lawabiding, to act according to the rules, to be faithful, have the occupation morality, have good moral quality, do not be greedy & gamble, don’t forget friendship for profit.

      To be a necessary talent in the one-hundred-year PCBONLINE.CO, first, it is necessary to have a correct attitude and the spirit of dedication, learning and unity; followed by ability, have ability of innovation, management, control and action; third is to have the advanced knowledge of the economic and social development. What PCBONLINE.CO needs are the talents with wisdom, brilliance, thought, creativeness, professional ability and managerial skills.

      We treat every employee well and respect them. Our managers at all levels should dedicate to talents introduction, training and promotion as well as making good use of talents. Assign those talents who agree with PCBONLINE.CO culture, being loyal, dedicated, and willing to established common enterprise with Tuqun Technology to each position, creating more opportunities and better platform for them to show their talent .Constantly, arousing their energy, motivation, creativity and potential to create greater glories.

Talent introduction and training plan
      A first-class talent is the basis for building a first-class enterprise. Talent is considered as the most important resource and decisive factors of company development and expansion. Following the concept of "people oriented, employing capable people, appointing people according to their merit " , the company employs talents through internal promotion and external recruitment ,completes the democratic, scientific,incentive management system of talent resource ,stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, maximize their development space for their improvement, and establish enterprise culture with learning initiative.

Specific plans are as follows:
      (1) Each year will put in some funds for training; through the combination of internal training and external further studies, will implement staff training and continuing educational programs at different levels and different focus to improve their technology, skills and quality. As for senior and middle managers, focus on the improvement of the modern management ability, innovation ability, decision-making ability; for R & D personnel, with the combination of training and the job characteristics of product development, marketing and cost planning, give targeted practical training to project engineers ; as for the grass-roots level managers and employees, applying the method of different-training-for-different-job, provide continuous pre-service training and specific technical training according to their different jobs.

      (2) Will further improve the salary system and incentive mechanism of various staff, especially the staff of key management, technology and sales, determine a reasonable salary structure, establish long-term incentive plan, foster, attract and encourage talents for the enterprises long-term service.

      (3) Establish a fair, impartial system of post responsibility and scientific performance evaluation mechanism, put all the staff into effective assessment management system, implement post competition, incentive and elimination mechanism orderly, pay attention to acquire talents from internal promotion , provide occupation stage and development opportunities for staff.

      (4) The company, on the basis of the existing management team ,will make an appropriate introduction of talents according to the needs of future development, especially focus on attracting high-level, compound-talent to further optimize the structure of talents.

Email: Sales@pcbonline.co  MOB: +8613611442854